If we suggest that the first cell had 206 molecules and assume that the molecules that were collected at the beginning of the random creative process were appropriate for production of that cell, which in reality would be highly probable, we could calculate possible chances of the first cell coalescing in a functional manner. So we go through a calculation that would be 1 x 2 x 3 x 4… x 206. The value is an extraordinary large number, approximately 10388. The number would be 10 followed by 388 zeros. If one trial took a second, you would not have enough time to achieve anything. The current age of the earth is estimated as approximately 2.4 billion years. The comparison of the numbers would suggest very strongly that there is not enough time for a random evolutionary process to produce a single exceeding simple single cell. That calculation would just put the 206 substances in a suitable order and not to make something that would work.
To the difficulty added above we have the issue that there are far more molecules in the first cell than 206 which was chosen because of it close proximity to the number of bones in the human body. As you add complexity to that first cell and the complexity of some of the essential molecules in the cell such as DNA, RNA, and many amino acids the issue of time to trial all the options become even larger that what is suggested above. (The above examples came from (in six days, edited by Ashton, published by New Holland.) As one scientist said in the above book it is easier to believe in God.
A further concept that protruded itself and took my fancy was called the “Engineering principle”. It stated that anything that is produced needs to complete or it will not work. A cell without DNA will not function like a car without an alternator, battery or wheels. For the cell that had only 206 molecules or was deficiencient in other areas its ability to function would mortally damaged.