God and the Whistling Train Chapter1 page 18
In the passage above, several things are made clear. Firstly there were people that were able to go on the Holy mountain to worship God, but only Moses was allowed into God's presence. Secondly it is made clear that Moses wrote down what God had told him and read them to the people.
Further information comes when we look at the length of the week and the employment of the Sabbath. The Hebrews were unique in having a seven day week and in having the seventh day as a day for rest. We know that this was instigated when Moses brought the ten commandments and introduced them to the people. Prior to that time and in the earlier scriptures there was no practice of the sabbath and rest days at all.
So Moses is equipped to be able to write them and there are significant social changes that are instituted in his time so it is reasonable to assume that he is the writer. From what we read we also know that spent several long periods of time talking to God. So there was ample time for him to gain this information. In fact the only thing he could not of written, is his obituary at the end.
So Moses is equipped to be able to write them and there are significant social changes that are instituted in his time so it is reasonable to assume that he is the writer. From what we read we also know that spent several long periods of time talking to God. So there was ample time for him to gain this information. In fact the only thing he could not of written, is his obituary at the end.
One of the interesting things within the ten commandments God to the children of Israel reminded them of the creation story as in chapter one as a reason for the sabbath rest. This is a substantiation of the story itself.